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- Устав АУФ для студентов
Acc. to rule 6E-5.001 of the FL Dep. of Ed.
Устав АУФ для студентов
Conditions for Dismissal
- To cheat (plagiarism), to prevent the expulsion of the students who cheated, to put someone in his own exam or to take the exam instead of someone else.
- To speak in an aggressive manner, towards the personality or the decisions of the university authorities.
- To agitate against the university authorities and staff or against other students, to make publications or to attempt to do things like these.
- To disobey the decision of not entering the electronic educational system or separate disciplines online.
- To keep, copy and distribute every kind of publications which are prohibited to take place in the university.
- To take part in dividing people according to their language, nationality, color, religion and denomination.
- Assaulting to the personnel and students.
Disciplinary Matters | 30 | Provisions of the ‘‘AUF Disciplinary Regulations’’ are applicable in the events of disciplinary matters. |
Regulations and Instructions | 31 | The University Board of Directors can make regulations and instructions for the implementation of this by-law. |
Coming into Force | 32 | This by-law comes into force from the beginning of the academic year upon the approval of the University Board of Directors. This by-law is executed by the President of the AUF. |
Short Name | 1 | These regulations are named as “The AUF Regulations for Examination and Assessment’’ |
Aim | 2 | These regulations aim to set out the principles and assessment methods to be employed at the midterm and final exams. |
Term Grade | 3 |
Term grade shows the status of success of a student in the course s/he is enrolled at the end of the term. Midterm exams, final exam, laboratory/workshop/studio reports and/or exams, quizzes, projects and/or assignments, if any, are considered in the process of calculating the term grade. The following principles shall be applied in the process of calculating the term grade:
Any student with a grade letter of A, A-, B +, B, B-, C +, C, or S is considered successful in that course. Any student with a grade letter of C-, D+, D, D- is considered provisionally successful in that course. If a student gets one of the F, NG or U in any course, s/he is considered unsuccessful, and s/he is obliged to repeat that course in the term the course is given.
"I" grade for a course is given to a student with no absenteeism, who has not completed the final exam due to a valid excuse and / or not fulfilled partial requirements of a project, studio, laboratory, workshop, which play role in calculating the term grade. This grade is given to the student upon filling the incomplete form online by the consent of the instructor and Faculty Board decision. Students must pay fees set by the Executive Board of the University. ("I" grade process must be completed before the end of add / drop period for the following term, otherwise, the "I" grade automatically changes into "F" grade). However, if students continue to excuse, period and conditions of 'I' grade completion are discussed and decided by the Faculty Board upon the proposal to the relevant department heads. "I" grade, until it is converted to a different grade, shall not be taken into account in calculation of grade point average (GPA) and overall grade point average (CGPA). To give "I" grade to a student, that student must submit the form required and official documents concerning the excuse to the secretary of the faculty of the course within 3 working days at the latest following final exam date.
The student, for any reason, starting from the first day of classes between 3 and 11 weeks of registration, withdraws from the course registered. "W" is shown in the student's report card and in the transcript.
Upon successful completion of course work with no credits or an internship, a student is given "S", if the student fails, the "U" grade shall be given.
NG" grade is given to a student by the course instructor if s/he has not met attendance requirements and / or not fulfilled the conditions based on the evaluation of the course. "NG" grade is taken into account in the calculation of GPA and CGPA.
“Ex” is given to the transfer students from universities outside AUF for the courses previously taken and accepted for the course loads.
"T" grade is given to the transfer students for the courses previously taken and recognized as equivalent to those in accordance with the relevant provisions of Regulation. |
Midterm Examinations | 4 |
At least one mid-term and one final exam must be held for each term. Quizzes are beyond this limitation. |
5 | At the beginning of each term, a detailed course syllabus is prepared by the course instructor including the course content and issues of laboratories, workshops, studios, and number and weight of examinations to be held. At least within two weeks after the beginning of the term, it is notified in writing to the head of the department and all students enrolled in the course. | |
6 | Specified studio, laboratory, project, the workshops anticipated by the course instructor in the curriculum for a course must be fulfilled. Any student, who has not completed the course work, is considered to have failed in that course. | |
Final Examinations | 7 |
The principles applied to the final exams are as follows:
Other Considerations in Evaluation | 8 |
a. Evaluation in practical courses can be made through projects, workshops, studio work, laboratory reports and / or examinations. Exams may be oral or written. Evaluation of workshop / laboratory / studio is made by the course instructor or staff assigned by the course coordinator. b. All exams can be written, oral or practical. Exams can be held on Saturdays except for religious and national public holidays. |
Make-up Examinations | 9 |
Graduation Make-up Examinations |
(2) Students who have failed maximum three courses may apply make-up exams for graduation although they have completed the prescribed number of credits for graduation and whose Grade Point Averages (CGPA) are below 2.00 and / or they have received all courses required for graduation. Applications are made directly to the Deans and departmental heads under the following conditions.
Objection to Grades | 10 |
A student may object to the grade s/he has received from any course, studies or practices.
General Rules to be Applied in Examinations | 11 |
Executive Power | 12 | These Regulations are executed by the Rectorate of the AUF. |
Enforcement | 13 | These Regulations come into force at the beginning of the academic year. |
Goal | 1 | This regulation is prepared to point out the disciplinary punishments according to the order and organization to those students who do not fulfill the duties which the law, directives, rules and regulations impose to students inside and outside the AUF, do forbidden things or do incompatible things in terms of student attribute, honorableness and honor. |
Scope | 2 | The disciplinary offences, disciplinary punishments and the disciplinary superiors who are in charge of giving the punishments, disciplinary rules and disciplinary investigation, the objection to disciplinary punishments and the methods to apply these punishments to students, who study at the AUF are stated in this regulation. |
Definitions | 3 | In this regulation; Sending away from the University: Means that the student cannot enter the online AUF educational system, and the other additional facilities of the AUF, during the specified time period. |
Disciplinary Punishments | 4 |
Disciplinary punishments are as follows:
Offenses Punishable by Disciplinary Warning | 5 |
Actions and cases punishable by warning are as follows:
Disciplinary Offences Punishable by Reprimand | 6 |
Actions and circumstances punishable by reprimand are as follows:
Disciplinary Offences Punishable by Sending Away From One Week To One Month From The University | 7 |
Disciplinary Offences Punishable by Sending Away From One Week To One Month From The AUF are as follows:
Disciplinary Offences Punishable by Sending Away From The University For One or Two Semesters | 8 |
Disciplinary offences sending away from the university for one or two semesters from the AUF are as follows:
Offences Punishable by Expulsion From The University | 9 |
Disciplinary offences expulsion from the AUF are as follows: